Emulation will be more important than ever for preservation. Among many other games and gaming accessories, you can find Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle Donkey Kong Adventure. Even with servers down, the files will always be available in some form. But don’t worry, luckily there are several options for you to get Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Battle Donkey Kong Adventure in a totally legal way: Amazon: Amazon is the world’s largest online retailer. The good news is that with the internet, nothing will disappear.

So now studios are left with just a few options: Sell more and don’t risk a flop (they do that by recycling ideas and churning out sequels), monetize post release content, and/or raise the standard industry price. With inflation, an N64 game would cost us over $100 dollars today and they were way cheaper to make. People expect to pay lower prices when the studios are spending more and more to make the game. And while all this has happened, Steam sales and mobile pricing/freemium content have dramatically devalued gaming across the board. We’ve gone from a single character model taking one guy a week or two to make, rig up, and animate, to needing a team of 20 to do it in 6 weeks.

Of course that’s always the concern, but the problem is that cost of video game production has skyrocketed.